"); fputs($logfile,$read_file); fputs($logfile," "); fputs($logfile,$hit_time); fputs($logfile," "); fputs($logfile,$contact); fputs($logfile,"\n"); fflush($logfile); fclose($logfile); ?>
Technical Information
External Links:

Cole Parmer Chemical Compatibility Database

A partial listing of some of our past collaborators.

Documents available for download

HTI uses D-S-N Architecture extensively.

This document is helpful toward understanding the D-S-N environment:

D-S-N Overview, Executive Summary

Often data are stored using standard D-S-N packets and structures.

These are documents explaining the standard structures:

D-S-N.org "types ubiquitous in D-S-N

D-S-N.org "standardized data storage types

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"; echo "Last modified: "; echo $today; echo "

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